CITE and Faculty of Education joint seminar: Understanding learners interaction patterns through analyzing context of questions in discussion transcripts

CITE Seminar: Open the PDF Goldmine: emerging research development in IT in education in the Faculty of Education

CITE Seminar: Information Literacy Research at the University of Sheffield

CITE Seminar: The role of technology in in-service teacher education

CITE Seminar: Moodle 2.0

CITE and Faculty of Education joint seminar: Computer-supported learning in developing countries

CITE Seminar on "Strategies for enhancing and evaluating interactivity in web-based learning and teaching"

Joint seminar by CITE and CETL: Technology Enhanced Learning @ HKU: To Mahoodle or Not to Mahoodle?

Joint seminar by CITE and Faculty of Education: Can Computers Teach You To Think And Care? The Modeling Debates Revisited

CITE & Faculty of Education Moodle Seminar – Tools for Rapidly building a Moodle 2 Course