Developing Pre-Service Teacher Computational Thinking Competences in Hong Kong

eCitizen Education 360: an extension of the Learning and Assessment for Digital Citizenship project

Supporting Conceptual Change in Science through Knowledge Building

Developing information literacy through an inquiry project with Web 2.0

Using Web 2.0 technologies to enhance experiential and capstone learning in different HKU faculties

An evaluative study on the roles of teacher-librarians in public sector schools

Promoting a collaborative teaching approach to inquiry project-based learning with Web 2.0 at upper primary levels

E-learning Platform for the Project “Developing KS3 Students’ Self-directed Learning in English Literacy Skills Development through Promoting Assessment as Learning

Consultancy Services on QTN Project Information Literacy Networking Program

'Good Practices on IT in Education' Interactive Platform (Phase II)

As an extension to the project on "Development of an interactive platform for the consolidation and dissemination of good practices through the Internet in schools", CITE has been commissioned by the Education Bureau to implement phase II of this project and the project has started in January 2006. The aims of the phase II project are as follows:

  1. to create a database of practicable pedagogies in schools that have been tested and proved effective for teaching professionals’ reference;
  2. to provide teachers and other education practitioners with an interactive platform for discussion and reflection on the uploaded practices;
  3. to encourage schools with common interest in any particular case to establish the mode/relationship of inter-schools collaboration so as to further explore strategies on IT applications.

The project was successfully completed in August, 2007. The project comprises two major components. At the first phase, CITE held a series of training course for seconded teachers and research assistants in the 20 identified Centers of Excellence (CoEs) as well as other seconded teachers fully seconded to the EMB who will also be involved in supporting these CoEs. The aim of this course is to provide members of this team the opportunity to gain the requisite understanding and skills on (i) effective uses of ICT for curriculum and pedagogical innovation, (ii) leading and supporting pedagogical change in schools and (iii) action research. The course contents will include methods and techniques in data collection, analysis, case write up and reporting.

At the second phase, i.e. the second component of the project which is to provide guidance to the team of research assistants in the data collection and with their support to collate, analyze and report on the experiences gained by the 20 CoE schools.

Activities organized by the Good Practices II project during 1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008

Date & Venue Events No. of participants
16 May 2007
EMB office
An internal progress meeting between CITE, HKU and EMB EDB officers and CITE project team members
23 May to 8 June 2007
EMB office
CITE, HKU conducted individual interviews to each FWG. Round 60 teachers and CITE project team members
15 June 2007
EMB office
CITE, HKU conducted an interview to the EMB advisors of the 9 FWGs. 9 teacher advisors and CITE project team members
Mid June 2007 CITE, HKU invited 5 FWGs, namely Mathematics, English, Chinese, CCTV and GS/Science to participate their experience in building up of learning communities in the Open Seminar, on 7th July, 2007 10 teachers who are the active participants in those five FWGs and CITE project team members
7 July 2007
EMB office
Open seminar on "Using an Online Database of ICT-supported Good Pedagogical Practices to Scale Up Innovations across Schools" Teachers and RAs in 21 CoEs and 80 teachers and principals in other schools