Singapore International School has commissioned the Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE), the University of Hong Kong to conduct a project namely “Performance Assessment for students’ information literacy in Singapore International School” to evaluate primary five students’ information literacy in Nov, 2007. This study will focus on evaluating the impact of Information Communication Technology (ICT) on students’ learning outcomes in Chinese Language, Mathematics and technical proficiency
This is a two-year international project. The Centre for Information Technology In Education (CITE), University of Hong Kong has been commissioned by Microsoft as an evaluation partner for the Microsoft Innovative Schools Program (ISP) in Hong Kong. There are 12 countries (including Brazil, Canada, Chile, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Mexico, Qatar, Sweden and UK) participating in this project. SRI International is coordinating the international evaluation project.
The overarching aims of this project are to benchmark the implementation and outcomes of the Hong Kong IT in education policy against international data and to provide research-grounded insights for schools and teachers to evaluate their IT integration for teaching and learning.