
2010 Asia Regional OpenCourseWare and Open Education Conference (OCWC)

Updated: 11:16am, 17 Nov, 2022
31 October 2010 (Sun)
Taipei, Taiwan
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Invitation for 2010 Asia Regional OpenCourseWare and Open Education Conference - Taipei

Since Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) started the OpenCourseWare, many universities, learners, and policy makers have devoted themselves to this educational movement. In 2005, MIT initiated the global OpenCourseWare Consortium (OCWC) to proactively promote the open educational resources movement. In less than 5 years, more than 250 universities from more than 33 countries have joined this non-profit organization, making it one of the largest international non-government organization consisted mainly of universities. Every year, an annual OCWC Global conference would be held in different parts of the world. In the OCWC Global 2009 held in April, 2009, Asian university representatives from Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan, and Vietnam had reached a consensus that the universities in Asia Pacific Region should have more cooperation in promot! ing OCW and OER. These representatives then decided to hold the annual Asia Regional OCW Conference in every November.

The 1st Asia Regional OCW Conference
The first Asia Regional OCW Conference was hosted by Korea University in November, 2009. The conference was an open seminar for mainly universities in Asia Region. Within a short preparation and organization time, it attracted about 75 participants from Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, Mainland China, and etc. More than 25 important research papers were presented in the conference. In the conference, the participants widely aware that OCW and Open Education Resourses (OER) had made a huge impact not only on the web learners but also on the instructors and learning process inside universities. In order to encourage more universities and people to get involved in this educational movement, representatives of the conference decided to hold the 2nd conference and expand the name of the conference to the 2010 Asia Regional OCW and Open Education Conferen! ce. In the 2009 conference, it was also decided that the 2010 conference would be co-hosted by Taiwan Chiao-Tung University and Taiwan OpenCourseWare Consortium from November 1st to 2nd, 2010.

2010 Asia Regional OpenCourseWare and Open Education Conference
2010 Asia Regional OpenCourseWare and Open Education Conference will continue the momentum initiated in the first conference and involve more Asian universities. It is estimated that more than 100 participants from Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, and Indonesia will join the conference and present more than 40 papers related to OCW/OER in this 2-day seminar.  The conference has already invited speakers from Japan, Korea, Vietnam, China, Taiwan, and America to present the status of OCW/OER movements in their countries. This series of presentations is aimed to promote understanding of the OCW/OER in Asia as well as cooperation among universities. We also sincerely invite researchers and professionals who are involved or interested in ! the OCW/OER to present your research in the conference for sharing and cooperation opportunities.

Call for Paper
Submit a proposal (500 words or less) describing your topic, project, or research by August 15th , 2010 via the AOCWC 2010 website (

Acceptance announcements will be made before September 15th, 2010. Due to Visa registration requirements, it is highly recommended for Mainland China participants to submit the paper abstract before Aug. 1st. Acceptance notes for Mainland China participants will accordingly be announced before Sep. 1st. All presenters are required to register for the conference.

For further question, please mail to:

Invitation from Hsinchu Chiao-Tung University and Taiwan OpenCourseWare Consortium

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