
2nd session of the Knowledge Building Teacher online courseEpistemic Agency for Collective Knowledge Advancement"

Updated: 4:57pm, 24 Oct, 2022
11 December 2004 (Sat)
Maryknoll Fathers' School (Main Entrance at To Yuen Street)瑪利諾神父教會學校 *正門設於桃源街*
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The importance and effectiveness of epistemic agency and how teachers promote knowledge advancement of students through Knowledge Forum are discussed in this unit. Traditional teaching pedagogies are more directive. Students are knowledge receivers instead of creators. How can teachers make use of KF to return the learning initiatives to the students. How do the teachers know whether their students are making progressive advancement in their KF discussion or not and they are not just using it as a chatting platform or storage media? What would facilitate the students to do rise above and improve their ideas continuously?

地址:2, To Yuen Street, Tai Hang Tung, Kowloon, Hong Kong (MTR Exit C1)<br>
九龍大坑東桃源街二號 (地鐵九龍塘站C1出口或九鐵九龍塘站往生產力大樓出口或地鐵石硤尾站B2出口)
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