
Analysis of CSCL discourse: advances in theory and analysis tools

Updated: 11:15am, 14 Nov, 2022
5 March 2009 (Thu)
Room 101 & 104, Runme Shaw Building, HKU
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There is in recent years a strong interest in adopting the use of Internet-based technology, particularly Web 2.0 tools, to support collaborative learning online, whether as an educational practice in its own right or to complement face-to-face learning situations. This workshop is intended for researchers and CSCL practitioners who are interested in the analysis of on- and off- line collaborative learning discourse to advance the theoretical understanding and/or practice of CSCL. Many different approaches, methods and tools have been reported in the research literature on the analysis of collaborative learning discourse to gauge the learning processes and outcomes demonstrated by learners. This workshop begins with an overview of the major approaches adopted by CSCL researchers, how they differ from and relate to each other, the possibilities and pitfalls in adopting “multiple approaches”. This will be followed by a demonstration of CSCL content analysis and visualization tools, and finishes with a discussion of issues related to the integration of CSCL analysis tools.

Workshop rundown

9:15 - 10:00 am Introductory talk by Dr. Kristine Lund on "Are Different Approaches to the Analysis of Online and face-to-face CSCL Discourse Complementary or Contradictory?”.
10:00 - 10:45 am Discussion: is it meaningful and useful to compare different analysis approaches and to conduct different kinds of analysis on the same data set.
10:45 - 11:15 am Break
11:15 am - noon Introduction to some CSCL content analysis and visualization tools
Noon - 12:45 pm Discussion: “Tools for CSCL analysis: advantages and challenges to their integration”

Dr. Kristine Lund is a CNRS Research Engineer in the Human and Social Sciences at the University of Lyon, France where she is the vice-director of the Language Sciences laboratory Interactions, Corpus, Learning and Representations. Dr. Lund’s research interests include the multimodal co-construction of complex knowledge in goal-oriented computer-mediated human interaction and interactive phenomena such as explanation and argumentation in problem solving situations (e.g. science labwork in secondary school or collaborative design in the workplace). She is currently co-directing PhD work on Tatiana (Trace Analysis Tool for Interaction Analysts), the four main functionalities of which are synchronization, transformation, analysis and visualization of interaction data.

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