
CITE and the Faculty of Education, HKU and Springer

Updated: 12:01pm, 17 Nov, 2022
15 June 2011 (Wed)
Room 205, 2/F., Runme Shaw Building, University of Hong Kong
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CITE and the Faculty of Education, HKU and Springer
request the pleasure of your company at the coming Book Launch

Educational Innovations Beyond
 Technology examines the successful implementation of information and communication technology (ICT) in numerous case studies from developed and developing countries and found that:

  • Implementing transformative uses of technology poses challenges to existing education practice, organization structure and leadership mechanisms
  • Educational innovations need multiple levels of classroom and administrative support
  • Technology initiatives need to be coupled with clear, long-term educational goals and appropriate support structures
  • Sustainable transformation requires creative and visionary strategies and practices of teachers, administrators, and policymakers to bring about system-wide ICT-based change
  • Sustaining innovations are more challenging than achieving success in transformation

Educational Innovations Beyond Technology uses a vivid ecological model to examine the complex relationships between the interacting educational factors at different levels: individual, classroom, school, community and system. This book will inspire professionals in education and related fields, and will be useful to teachers and teacher educators, instructional designers, technology coordinators, principals, administrators and education policymakers.

We keep repeating our mistakes in technology-based education innovation, in part because ‘Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it ’ (George Santayana). This work provides an outstanding historical analysis that provides a strong foundation for future action and educational transformation. --- Chris Dede, Harvard University


All are welcome!

Light refreshment will be served at 4:00-4:30 pm

All registered participants will be eligible for one of three complimentary copies of the book!

Lucky draw for the book will be held at the end of the book launch!

About the speaker(s):
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