
International opportunities for technology-enhanced learning

Updated: 11:37am, 14 Nov, 2022
14 May 2008 (Wed)
RM 101, Runme Shaw Bldg, HKU
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The seminar is jointly organized by CITE and the Office of Research, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong

About the Seminar
Recent advances in technology provide stunning opportunities for international collaboration across research programs in science education. This talk will draw on findings from the  Technology Enhanced Learning in Science (TELS) center, funded by the National Science Foundation. TELS has created an inquiry environment for design of science instruction that combines powerful scientific visualizations with pedagogical guidance. Research by multiple teams shows how inquiry activities can improve understanding of complex science topics.

Learning environments gather a plethora of evidence about student learning to help researchers, students, and teachers improve outcomes. By documenting learning as it occurs, researchers gain insight into the effectiveness of specific learning activities and can begin to identify patterns of instruction that have widespread benefits. Teachers can use evidence from students to identify those needing extra tutoring and to adjust class activities. Evidence gathered during instruction can also be used to tailor feedback to individual students. TELS modules are free, easy to translate, and available over the Internet. These resources offer one avenue for creating a vibrant, interconnected, and cumulative research program in science education.

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About the speaker(s):

Marcia Linn is a professor of development and cognition specializing in education in mathematics, science, and technology in the Graduate School of Education at the University of California, Berkeley. She directs the NSF-funded Technology-enhanced Learning in Science (TELS) center. She is a member of the National Academy of Education and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Psychological Association, and the Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences. Board service includes the American Association for the Advancement of Science board, the Graduate Record Examination Board of the Educational Testing Service, the McDonnell Foundation Cognitive Studies in Education Practice board, and the Education and Human Resources Directorate at the National Science Foundation. Marcia's books include Computers, Teachers, Peers (2000), and Internet Environments for Science Education (2004). Awards include the National Association for Research in Science Teaching Award for Lifelong Distinguished Contributions to Science Education and the Council of Scientific Society Presidents first award for Excellence in Educational Research.

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