
Designing Collaborative E-Learning Environments based upon Semantic Wiki: From Design Models to Application Scenarios

Updated: 5:14pm, 11 Nov, 2022
20 November 2012 (Tue)
Room 101, 1/F., Runme Shaw Building, HKU
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The seminar is jointly organized by CITE and Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. It is sponsored by Tin Ka Ping Visiting Fellowship Scheme.

The knowledge society requires life-long learning and flexible learning environment that enables fast, just-in-time and relevant learning, aiding the development of communities of knowledge, linking learners and practitioners with experts. Based upon semantic wiki, a combination of wiki and Semantic Web technology, this talk introduces the design and development of flexible e-learning environments for different application scenarios aiming to facilitate collaborative knowledge construction and maximize resource sharing and utilization. One application scenario is to support hybrid learning by deploying an online course platform and the first round of using has shown that the course platform can effectively facilitate and support students to fulfill task-driven learning in a more flexibly and friendly collaborative manner. The other application scenario is to build a teamwork platform for supporting collaborative e-research. After several months' trial, team members agree that the platform can well meet their collaborative research work demands with the advantage of quick, easy and convenient operating assistance. The kernel idea of the collaborative e-learning environments is to enable structural organization of resources with semantic association while providing diverse customized facilities.

About the speaker(s):

<p>Yanyan Li is an associate professor in the Department of Educational Technology at Beijing Normal University. She received her PhD degree in computer software and theory from Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Her research interests include e-learning, semantic Web, computer supported collaborative learning, and text mining. She is the leader of two National Natural Science Fund projects and principal investigator of more than ten academic projects. She has published more than 50 academic papers in journals and conferences, such as the Journal of Educational Technology &amp; Society, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, and Future Generation Computer Systems. Two of her papers have been awarded as the best paper in the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (IEEE ICALT). She is the Program Chair of International Conference IEEE ICALT2013, Chair of &#34;Smart Learning Environment&#34; Seminar (SLE2012) between Canada Athabasca University and Beijing Normal University. She is the sub-conference General Co-Chair of Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE2011&amp;2012), the member of Program Committee of the International Conference including ICHL2010, TEL2011, and T4E2011&amp;2012. She is also the editor assistance at Global Chinese Journal for Computers in Education (GCJCE), and she is the peer reviewer for the British Journal of Educational Technology and editorial board member of the Journal Technology for Education and Learning.</p>

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