
Understanding learners interaction patterns through analyzing context of questions in discussion transcripts

Updated: 10:09am, 14 Nov, 2022
24 June 2011 (Fri)
Room 101,1/F., Runme Shaw Bldg., HKU
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research, the collaborative process is of central importance. Thus, this
seminar aims to unveil learners’ interaction patterns through analyzing the context
of questions in discussion transcripts. Based on assumptions about data source
and users’ operation processes in analyzing the context of questions, several
design principles have been identified. Guided by these principles, a technical
solution is presented to implement a tool for analyzing the context of
questions. By incorporating text classification and information visualization
technologies, the tool supports the analysis of the content and structure of discussion
transcripts to generate visual patterns in the form of 5W1H context of
questioning. In this way, the tool enables users to understand interaction
patterns in an intuitive and friendly manner.

About the speaker(s):

<p>Mr. Zhang
Yonghe is currently a PhD candidate in Beijing Normal University (BNU),  specialising in the development of analysis
and visualization tools for collaborative inquiry-based online discourse data.
His PhD research is part of the collaborative research program that has been
established between CITE in HKU and the Knowledge Science and Engineering
Institute (KSEI) in BNU. He is currently visiting the Faculty of Education as a
K P Tin visiting scholar. During his visit, Mr. Zhang will introduce some
creative work in utilizing visualization technology to analyze threaded
discussion transcripts.</p>

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