
Methodological issues in studying digital learning lives

Updated: 5:05pm, 30 Aug, 2022
30 January 2018 (Tue)
Room 101, 1/F., Runme Shaw Bldg., HKU
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Chair: Prof. Nancy Law, Professor, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong

First, this presentation will give a short outline of efforts to understand the dynamic processes of learning situated across space and time, beyond the here and now, as presently challenging traditional definitions of learning and education. In my own research I have used the term ‘learning lives’ (Erstad, 2013; Erstad & Sefton-Green, 2013) to unpack a focus on students in motion across contexts of learning. Second, and the main part of the presentation, will be on methodological issues and challenges of studying ‘digital learning lives’ (Erstad, 2013). I will mainly refer to two large-scale projects I have been leading using ethnography as ‘logic of inquiry’ (Green, Dixon, Zaharlick, 2005). On an analytical level we have studied different knowledge practices and learning identities that young people are involved in, between school and everyday life. I will present empirical data about (dis-)continuities (Bronkhorst & Akkerman, 2015) of students and their boundary crossing activities between such different knowledge practices and learning identities. Different methods and units of analysis have been used leading to diverse research results. I will focus on narrative analysis and interaction analysis used in these two projects. These issues are important to study in themselves, but also in order to reflect on the broader sociocultural perspectives of ‘21st century skills’ and the future competence developments of lifelong learners, as well as the purpose of education in contemporary societies; education for whom and in what way?

About the speaker(s):

About the speaker(s):

Professor and Head of Department of Education, University of Oslo, Norway. Professor Erstad is an internationally leading researcher with a focus on digital literacy, but firmly rooted in the wider social and cultural context of learning beyond the technological aspects. His areas of teaching and research expertise are learning, technology and education, children and youth in modern society. He has been leading several national and international research projects and is part of several international networks and committees. He is vice-chair of a COST Action on ‘digital literacy and multimodality in early childhood’, and is a board member of several international journals. In 2016 he was elected as Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee of Science Europe.

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