
Pedagogical Design Capacity in the Age of Peer Production

Updated: 3:38pm, 8 Nov, 2022
12 October 2015 (Mon)
Room 205, 2/F., Runme Shaw Building, HKU
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Chair: Dr. Xiao Hu, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong

Peer production, also referred to as the wisdom of the crowds, are the sets of practices whereby everyday individuals reuse, remix, and share information and knowledge at an unprecedented scale. Most of us are familiar with powerful examples of peer-production such as Linux (open source software), Wikipedia (collaborative encyclopedia construction), and YouTube (video sharing). Peer production is increasingly pervasive in education: every day millions of teachers and learners search the web to select and find Open Educational Resources (OER), adapt and combine them to create new learning experiences, and share their labor with others by posting new resources. OER are teaching and learning resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under licensing schemes that allow their free use or customization by others. They encompass a multiplicity of media and resource types, such as animations, videos, scientific data, maps, images, games, simulations, and textbooks. In this talk, I will discuss findings resulting from a multi-school district longitudinal field study of the Curriculum Customization Service. The Service support teachers to customize their instruction with OER and to share their customizations with others. This research illustrates the value of developing teachers’ pedagogical design capacity; i.e., their ability to make principled, learner-centered choices around curriculum adaptations that lead to increases in student achievement and engagement.

About the speaker(s):

<p>Tamara Sumner is Executive Director of Digital Learning Sciences, a joint research and development center between the University of Colorado and the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. She is responsible for leadership of the center, strategy development, and the conduct of the research program. The research examines how cognitive tools, computational algorithms, and interactive media can improve learning outcomes and learner engagement. The research and development team combines expertise in computer science, cognitive science, science education, user-centered design and evaluation, digital content management, and machine learning/natural language processing.<br /><br />Sumner is also an Associate Professor at the University of Colorado, with a joint appointment between the Institute of Cognitive Science and the Department of Computer Science. Her research and teaching interests include personalized learning, interactive learning environments, user-centered design, digital libraries, and intelligent information systems. Prior to joining the University of Colorado, she was a lecturer at the Knowledge Media Institute, at The Open University in the UK.<br /><br /></p>
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