
Dancing with the data

Updated: 4:18pm, 8 Nov, 2022
15 July 2014 (Tue)
Room 101, Runme Shaw Building, The University of Hong Kong
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Revealing the mysteries of a data set can be quite challenging. Data analysis is about discovering hidden patterns within the data and exploring the plausible “stories” that can explain those patterns. This seminar will start with illustrating common mistakes of over-relying on confirmatory data analysis and misconceptions of hypothesis testing. The presenter will introduce a plethora of graphing techniques that can be well-applied to both exploratory and confirmatory data analyses. The overarching message to the audience is that, just like the appropriateness of a particular statistical test is tied to the research goal and the data structure, proper data visualization should align with data dimensionality and research objectives.

About the speaker(s):

<p>Chong Ho (Alex) Yu is an Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology and also the University Quantitative Methodology Consultant at Azusa Pacific University. He has a Ph.D. in educational psychology (Arizona State University, ASU) with a concentration on measurement, statistics, and methodological studies, as well as a Ph.D. in philosophy (ASU) with a specialization in history and philosophy of science. His research interests include, but are not limited to, exploratory data analysis, data visualization, data mining, cross-cultural comparison, psychology of religion, and relationships between faith and science. He has authored and coauthored more than 70 peer-review journal articles, 13 book chapters, and 3 books.</p>

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