Event related reference resources:http://www.cite.hku.hk/events/doc/2009/somekh_whiteboard.pdf
This seminar draws on research carried out for the UK government during 2004-06 to evaluate the impact of interactive whiteboards for teaching and learning in primary schools. Multi-level modelling analysis showed positive gains in literacy and mathematics for children aged 7 and 11, directly related to the length of time they had been taught with an interactive whiteboard (IWB). These gains were particularly strong for children of average and above average prior attainment. Observations of classrooms, recorded with digital video, and post-observation interviews with teachers and children, were used to develop a detailed account of how pedagogic practice changed following the initial installation of the IWBs and over the following two years. The combination of multi-level-modelling and digital video data enabled the researchers to visit the classrooms of teachers whose pupils had made exceptional gains in attainment and seek to identify what features of pedagogy might have helped to achieve these gains. It was also possible to seek reasons for the lower levels of achievement of pupils in the bottom 20% of prior attainment, despite their enthusiasm for the IWB and improved attention in class.
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