
nRole in different designs for teaching: online role play for university students

Updated: 10:03am, 14 Nov, 2022
20 May 2011 (Fri)
Room 101, 1/F., Runme Shaw Bldg., HKU
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Professor Sandra Wills has tracked the growth of educational online role plays in Australian universities for 20 years and recently released an international book on role-based e-learning.

Online role plays are designed to increase understanding of real life human interaction and dynamics. Learners
- assume a role in someone else\\\\\\\\’s shoes or in someone else\\\\\\\\’s situation
- undertake authentic tasks in an authentic context
- interact in-role to collaborate, negotiate and/or debate

The interaction between roles is substantially in an online environment.

In this seminar, Professor Sandra Wills will:
- showcase a number of examples of ONLINE and BLENDED role plays being used in universities in Australia, UK and USA
- review some the challenges and issues faced by teachers and students using online role play
- outline the generic learning design for online role plays to assist you to begin designing your own role play.

About the speaker(s):

<p>Professor Sandra Wills has nearly 40 years international experience in the fields of education and technology from primary through to university education including teacher training, curriculum development, multimedia development, academic development and senior management. She has authored nearly 350 publications and educational multimedia products, and is well-known as an innovative and motivating speaker, having delivered more than 120 invited and keynote addresses in 22 countries.</p>
<p>Research income of over AUD$13million includes the establishment of a Cooperative Multimedia Centre, Impart CMC, which as a board member for 10 years, Sandra helped build into Australia&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&rsquo;s largest e-learning company with offices in three states and Singapore. Her latest book, The power of role-based e-learning (Wills, Leigh &amp; Ip, 2011), caps ten years of research on learning designs and online role play funded by the Australian Learning &amp; Teaching Council and its predecessor, the Australian Universities Teaching Committee.</p>
<p>Sandra is a Fellow of the Australian Computer Society (ACS) and a Fellow of the Australian Council for Computers in Education (ACCE). Awards include ACS Lecturer of the Year and a Silver Core award from the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) for long-term service to computers in education as chair of several national and international conferences, boards and committees. In 2008 she received a Citation from the Australian Learning &amp; Teaching Council for &#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#34;strategic leadership to ensure learning technologies promote active, collaborative and global student learning&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#92;&#34;.</p>

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