
Information Literacy and Pre-service Programs

Updated: 4:08pm, 21 Oct, 2022
7 July 2005 (Thu)
Room 101, 1/F., Runme Shaw Building, The University of Hong Kong
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This seminar is co-organised by the Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE) and Faculty of Education, HKU

Information literacy is a complex set of skills, abilities and knowledge that enables people to access, evaluate and use information in a global information
society. This seminar will present a process approach to information literacy
that is based on the model of the Information Search Process developed through extensive research over two decades. The ISP is proposed as a way of establishing basic information literacy in pre-service programs.

About the speaker(s):

Carol Kuhlthau, Professor II in the Department of Library and Information Science in the School of Communication, Information and Library Studies and Director of the Center for International Scholarship in School Libraries (CISSL), is internationally recognized for her research on the information search process (ISP). She has written many papers, articles, and books on the users perspective of information seeking including her latest, the second edition of Seeking Meaning: a Process Approach to Library and Information Services, published in 2004. She is a frequent keynote speaker and workshop presenter on the inquiry process and information literacy and is recipient of numerous prestigious research and service awards including the American Library Association Jesse Shera Research Award; the Association of College and Research Libraries Dudley Bibliographic Instruction Award; the American Association of School Librarians Distinguished Service Award; and the Library and Information Technology Association Kilgour Award for Research in Library and Information Technology and the Association of Library and Information Science Education Professional Contribution Award.

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