
Mobile Learning of Teaching Statistics for ODL

Updated: 12:03pm, 17 Nov, 2022
25 March 2011 (Fri)
Room 101, 1/F., Runme Shaw Bldg., HKU
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1. Introduction
Mobile learning (m-Learning) is novel in that it facilitates delivery of learning to the right person, at the right time, in the right place using portable electronic devices. In the near future, m-Learning will be a normal part of lifelong education and self-directed learning. In Korea, m-Learning is expanded in almost every sector of educational fields. From last year KNOU kick off the mobile learning system with KT. In this paper the mobile learning for statistics education will be introduced.

e-Learning system for Statistics Education has improved the lack of two-way communication and repetition, the main weakness of the existing media, TV, radio and written text. And it has extended the opportunity of learner by operating a variety of curriculum on the basis of e-learning.

This paper describes the new paradigm of Statistics Education with the e-learning contents, Mobile learning and ubiquitous learning system for statistical education that anyone who wants to study could study anywhere, anytime with the internet and multimedia system.
The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effectiveness of e-learning courses and to propose suggestions for future improvement of e-Learning courses and suggest the future view of more advanced education system of mobile learning and ubiquitous learning system. In the future society with rapid change of educational circumstance and globalization, distance education using ICT technology will satisfy educational desires in various classes of learners. KNOU has been provided student with distance education contents through broadcasting and IT

2. Future Distance Education
Mobile technologies, like mobile devices and wireless internet services, have the potential to introduce new innovations in the area of education m-learning, a new form of education using mobile internet systems and handheld devices can offer students and teachers the opportunity to interact with and gain access to educational materials, independent of time and spaces. This study suggested some considerable suggestions for preparing the future of statistics education based on Mobile and one more step advanced ubiquitous learning.

Junghoon Leem (2007). M-Learning; Its concepts and Implication for the future of education in life long learning society, journal of Lifelong Learning 3(2): 1-26.
KVC(2003). The 2nd white paper of evaluation for Korea virtual campus. KVC
Keegan, D.(2005), "The Incorporation of Mobile Learning Into Mainstream Education
And Training," Keynote address to world mLearn congress, South Africa, Oct. 2005
mLearn(2007), the International Conference on m-Learning

About the speaker(s):

<p>Professor Tae Rim LEE is the director of the Institute of Distance Education at the Korea National Open University (KNOU). She has been working in the field of life-long learning for the past 27 years. She pioneered in developing a computer-based teaching instruction system in Korea using Macintosh Apple computer and PC, which has now been turned into web-based version.</p>
<p>She is a biostatistician and current president of the Korean Society of Public Health Statistics and the Korean Classification Society. She is also a representative to the Asia Pacific Area woman statistician association of ISI. During her term as the director at KNOU e-Learning center, she was the president of the Korea Alliance for Cyber Education (KUACE), which works with 89 Korean universities nationwide.</p>

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