
Research Seminar by National Taiwan Normal University Faculty Members: Mining Behavior in the Mobile Environment/Technologies in Education: Online Cooperative Learning and Computer Science Education

Updated: 3:36pm, 8 Nov, 2022
2 December 2015 (Wed)
Room 104, 1/F., Runme Shaw Building, HKU
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The purpose of this seminar is to share the latest research at the Graduate of Library and Information Studies and Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education (ICE) of National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU).

In this talk, Professor Mei-Mei Wu will share the findings of her recent study on “Some Action Research: Apps and Note-taking Behavior Study.” Assistant Professor Ji-Lung Hsieh will talk about how he collected mobile phone data to discover daily routines and mood changes of mobile phone users. Preliminary results about the drawback of retrospective self-report on mobile phone usage will be discussed. Professor Chiung-Hui Chiu and Assistant Professor Yu-Tzu Lin will each give a 15-minute talk on their recent teaching and researches. Professor Chiu will briefly report their research projects for the past three years, particularly the one about computer enhanced design based learning. Professor Lin will share her research experiences focusing on learning technologies and computer science education from both technological and pedagogical standpoints. She will give a brief overview about the techniques of applying multimedia computing and social network analysis in education, and a brief discussion about the empirical studies of computer science education.

About the speaker(s):

<p>Mei-Mei Wu is a Professor and the founding chair of the Graduate Institute of Library &amp; Information Studies at the National Taiwan Normal University. She earned her Ph.D. and MLIS degrees at the School of Communication and Information (SC&amp;I) at Rutgers University.&nbsp; She has served as the Chair of the ASIS&amp;T International Relations Committee in 2011-2013, co-chair in 2013-15. She also served as the Chair of the ASIS&amp;T Taipei Chapter in 1998. She is the co-founder of Chinese Information Literacy Association (CILA) founded in 2003. She also serves as the Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Library and Information Science (JLIS), an open access journal published by NTNU.&nbsp; Her research interests are information literacy, information use and users, and scholarly communication.</p>

<p>Dr. Chiung-Hui Chiu is a Professor of the Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education at the National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU). She received a B.S. degree in Physics from NTNU in 1988, and M.E. and Ph.D. degrees in Science Education with emphasis in Computer Sciences from the University of Texas at Austin in 1993 and 1996. Her research interests are in the areas of computer supported collaborative learning, learning technology, and computer science education.</p>

<p>Dr. Ji-Lung Hsieh is an assistant professor of Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies s at National Taiwan Normal University. He obtained BS, MS, and PhD Degree in computer science from National Chiao Tung University. He has a longstanding interest in applying computational methods to social science issues such as social simulation, community structure and formation, time and society, epidemiology and communication, and game culture. </p>

<p>Dr. Yu-Tzu Lin is an Assistant Professor at the Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education, National Taiwan Normal University. She received her B.S. and M.S. degrees in information and computer education from National Taiwan Normal University, and Ph.D. degree in computer science from National Taiwan University. Her research interests include computer science education, educational technologies, social network analysis, digital content analysis, multimedia security, pattern recognition, and image processing.</p>

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