Based on research in-progress, carried out by Bob Fox and John Pearson, this seminar reviews published papers on ICT in post-secondary education in Hong Kong between 1998 and 2007. The study identifies the extent to which these publications addresses government policy, indicating areas in which further research would be beneficial to meet the challenges contained in government reports. The published papers were wide-ranging, informative and enriching in scope and evidenced the important role of ICT in post-secondary education. The majority of publications were based on empirical inquiry of small-scale case studies to guide present and future practice, though less research was evidenced to support other government directives, for example, the role of ICT in cross-institutional collaboration and the role of ICT to support sharing of teaching and resources. There was limited research on theoretical inquiry, providing original perspectives, ideas and ideals to shape future thinking and few cross-sector and inter-institutional studies identifying the role of ICT to improve teaching and learning. It was concluded that future research would benefit from a greater balance between empirical research and theoretical enquiry and to identify more strategically significant cross-institutional research to support the government s vision of making Hong Kong a regional education hub.
Dr Bob Fox is an Associate Professor, Division of Information and Technology Studies in the Faculty of Education and the Deputy Director for the Centre of Information Technology in Education at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). He serves on the editorial board of a number of international journals including ALT-J: Research in Learning Technology, Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, International Journal of Education and Development Using ICT, Association for Advancement of Computing in Education Journal, International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management and the Journal of Education and Human Development, Scientific Journals International. His research interests focus on teacher professional development at the school and university levels through the innovative use of ICT and in open, distance and flexible learning. Dr Fox was awarded the University Teaching Fellowship, HKU for excellence in teaching in 2006.