Within teacher education problem-based learning (PBL) has the potential to enrich teaching and learning across the curriculum. It is suggested that PBL may offer a means of providing authentic scenarios for assisting pre-service teachers before encountering teaching practice. The use of media-based educational triggers and authentic scenarios may form a bridge between their studies and real-world teaching practice. Five media-rich educational triggers are described in early childhood education, physical education, educational technology, project management and inclusive education. Reusable media-based educational triggers may also provide potential resources for other educators within teacher education. The educational triggers include: Case One: "What's Wrong With My Baby Boy?" Case Two: "Quantum Leap" Case Three: "Why Can't I Save This File?" Case Four: "Just One More Minor Change..." Case Five: "Do you want to play as well..." http://www.ied.edu.hk/citie/learnetmain.html
Dr Mike Keppell is Principal Lecturer and Head of the Centre for Integrating Technology in Education (CITIE) at the Hong Kong Institute of Education. His role is to oversee an educational technology centre that focuses on online learning, media production (video, audio, photography), IT competencies and research. His Institute-wide role encourages staff and students to utilize educational technology to enrich the teaching and learning process. His research interests cover four areas: student-centred learning (problem-based learning, case-based learning, project-based learning and online communities); multimedia design (conceptualizing, concept mapping, design processes); processes involved in optimising the instructional designer-subject matter expert interaction; and knowledge management (project management, systems and processes). His current interests at the Institute focus on technology-enhanced authentic learning environments, online communities, problem-based learning and learner-centred assessment. Visit the new CITIE website for online and media workshops http://www.ied.edu.hk/citie/ Learning-oriented assessment project http://www.ied.edu.hk/loap/