
Searching for Disruptive Pedagogies

Updated: 12:02pm, 14 Nov, 2022
27 March 2006 (Mon)
Room 101, 1/F., Runme Shaw Building, The University of Hong Kong
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The presentation will explore the context of using ICTs in educational contexts and suggest what elements might be explored for best matches between technology use and its impact. It examines some of the ways in which e-learning has failed to live up to its early promise and explores how this situation might be remedied. Two of the main challenges for the future of e-learning are explored: the ever shifting nature of the e-landscape characterised by its rapidly changing technologies, software and marketing mechanisms; and the difficulty of helping teachers find ways to exploit the capacities offered by these ���disruptive technologies��� (Christensen, 1997) as they continue to bring about change. It is argued that if our investment in e-learning is to be recouped then what is needed is a paradigm shift to the employment of ���disruptive pedagogies���. This would involve the use of teaching strategies that exploit the currently underused capacities of technology options in such a way as to enable student engagement, motivation and higher order thinking.

About the speaker(s):

Dr John G Hedberg is Millennium Innovations Chair in ICT and Education, and Director of the Macquarie ICT Innovations Centre at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. Macquarie ICT Innovations Centre, is a learning partnership with the NSW Department of Education and Training to develop innovative programs in technology enhanced learning for students and teachers. He has been Professor of Learning Sciences and Technologies at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore where he directed several research projects exploring the role of technologies in engaging students in Mathematics, Science, History and Geography classrooms. He is known for the constructivist learning environments he has designed culminating in a British Academy award for an interactive theatre CD-ROM entitled StageStruck. He has wide experience in the design of open and distance learning programs delivered on-line and through CD-ROM. He has published on navigation, cognition and multimodality, design and evaluation in interactive multimedia, the most recent book is Evaluating interactive learning systems with Thomas Reeves has been recently published by Educational Technology publications, He is also the Editor-in-chief of Educational Media International.

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