
Translational Research in Singapore's ICT Masterplan Journey

Updated: 3:59pm, 8 Nov, 2022
12 December 2014 (Fri)
Room 101, 1/F., Runme Shaw Bldg., HKU
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The seminar will discuss the translational research efforts in the Singapore ICT masterplan journey. It will open with a description of Singapore ICT masterplan over the years and the key aspects of the 3rd ICT Masterplan.

The “Ideas to Practice” Framework guiding the various Research & Development projects will be presented, with selected projects highlighted. We will discuss how the various projects serve the functions of scanning and informing emerging educational technology trends, translating research findings into classroom practices, and spreading successful practices from project schools to benefit more schools in the system as well as challenges faced in the spreading of practices.

We will also reflect on how the translational research efforts over the years have contributed to building a culture of innovation and reflective practice in Singapore schools.

About the speaker(s):

<p>The speakers have been involved in directing and implementing the translational research efforts of the 3rd ICT Masterplan in Singapore.<br /><br />(please refer to for the details about the Speakers)</p>

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