The presentation will report on a study undertaken in 2007/08 which surveyed incoming first year undergraduate students across all faculties at the University. This study provides evidence that the first-year undergraduate students at the HKU are indeed highly digitally literate. They use various technologies for communication, learning, staying connected with their friends and engaging with the world around them. It is clear from the data that the majority of students view the use of technology in their learning as positive. It is also clear from the data that designing curricula that take advantage of the ways in which students currently work with these technologies for teaching and learning at HKU may yield a number of benefits for teaching, learning and communication with students.
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David M. Kennedy has nearly three decades of teaching experience in schools and higher education. He is a member of the Faculty of Education at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). His current roles include Programme Director for the MSc (ITE) and MSc (LIM). He also teaches undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in MSc, BEd and BA programmes with a focus on the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for learning and teaching. His research interests focus on eLearning and mLearning in higher education and schools. He has presented seminars and workshops in Hong Kong, the UK, Finland, Canada, Australia, South Africa and Mauritius. He is on the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Multimedia and Hypermedia and the International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (IJTLHE).