King George V School, in association with the University of Hong Kong are piloting the use of hand held technology for the purpose of enhanced data collection, processing and analysis in a field work environment. A link has been developed with Hewlett-Packard who supplied 33 PDA units equipped with Communication, Imaging, GPS and GIS functions. These units were used in the field for navigation, data collection, data analysis and reporting functions. A variety of strengths and weaknesses where identified as part of the pilot field work project that took place in Northern Thailand with a group of Year 12 (Form 6) Geography students. To complement the handheld technology, the fieldwork also employed a multimedia projector and suite of laptops for student use throughout the excursion. In addition, the opportunities afforded by add ins such as GPS, GIS and built in cameras were fully explored.
David Flint has had a varied career path having worked for the British Military and then graduating with a BA (Hons) in Geography from Staffordshire University, UK. He then qualified as a Chartered Transport Professional gaining a Master of Arts in transportation planning before training as a teacher. He has worked at King George V School, Hong Kong since 2000 teaching Geography and ICT and has an MSc in IT in Education from the University of Hong Kong.
Mr Flint is currently the Hub Manager for his school and is responsible for the development of the English Schools Foundation s Connected Learning Community (CLC) learning platform and developing Technology in the Classroom for his school. In addition, he also has been seconded to the English Schools Foundation s CLC Development Team helping develop online learning strategies and objects. More recently he has linked up with Hong Kong University and gained funding for piloting a PDA Learning Project evaluating the use of PDA technology in schools and, more specifically, for use in field work incorporating GPS, GIS, imaging and animation functions.