The British
Council adopted Moodle as a corporate learning platform in 2006 and has
produced many local community sites around the world as well as a growing
number of global courses. In this workshop we explore some of the different
ways that the British Council uses Moodle for different audiences. We examine
some of the principles which guide the structure and organisation of our
different courses, paying particular attention to projects in the China region.
Of specific interest are those features of course design which research showed
to be most important in the development of a blueprint for online teacher
training courses in Hong Kong.
<p>Simon Gillow has worked as an English language teacher and teacher trainer for over 15 years and currently works with the British Council in Hong Kong as an elearning consultant. He has written, developed and delivered many web based courses for teachers and learners around the world and has worked with teaching consultants from many regional ministries of education to help set up online teacher development programmes in south and east Asia.</p>