
Using technology-based materials to support teachers and students on science practices

Updated: 10:29am, 14 Mar, 2023
31 October 2019 (Thu)
Room 101, 1/F., Runme Shaw Bldg., HKU
Prof. Janice D. GOBERT , Professor of Learning Sciences & Educational Psychology, Graduate School of Education, Rutgers University
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Chair: Prof. Nancy LAW, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong

I will describe Inq-ITS and Inq-Blotter. Inq-ITS is an online learning and performance assessment platform with virtual labs for Science. Students conduct authentic inquiry with interactive, virtual labs. Instead of taking multiple-choice tests on rote science knowledge, students “show what they know.” As students work, educators get automatic grading on the practices, including claim-evidence-reasoning statements; they also get real-time reports (formative & summative) and actionable alerts to know which students are struggling and on which aspects of the practices. Administrators get the data they need to show growth (important to ESSA). The seminar will demonstrate how teachers can get measures on their students’ competencies at scientific practices, key to PISA.

About the speaker(s):

Janice Gobert is a Professor of Learning Sciences and Educational Psychology at Rutgers Graduate School of Education ( She is also the CEO of a start-up company named Apprendis, whose products are Inq-ITS (Inquiry Intelligent tutoring System) for students, and Inq-Blotter, an alerting platform for teachers to accompany Inq-ITS (

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