This seminar aims to investigate the role of sense of relatedness in students' engagement in using wikis in collaborative writing.
Focus questions will address the following topics: ‘To what extent does the sense of relatedness predict students’ behavioral engagement in collaborative wiki writing?’; ‘To what extent does the sense of relatedness predict students’ emotional engagement in collaborative wiki writing?’ and ‘To what extent does the sense of relatedness predict students’ cognitive engagement in collaborative wiki writing?’
The presented research was conducted in a Hong Kong secondary school where 422 students participated in the study and answered questionnaires about their sense of relatedness and their level of engagement when using wikis for open collaborative project work. Results from the regression analyses showed that students' sense of relatedness with their teacher and peers facilitated their engagement in the collaborative wiki writing environment. The results were also consistent with the educational psychology research findings in a traditional classroom setting. Most importantly, the result from this study showed the possible linkage between IT in education research and the educational psychology literature. Implications of psychological factors on students' learning in technologically-enriched learning environments are discussed.
<p>Professor Dr. Michele Notari is a lecturer at the University of Teacher Education in Bern, Switzerland and was an honorary assistant professor in the Faculty of Education, the University of Hong Kong. He has published articles in key journals in the area of technology-enhanced learning, a book and several book chapters related to collaborative learning using participative technologies. He is guest editor of a special edition of the Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation, board member of Wikisym, the international symposium on open Collaboration, the international Conference on Mobile Learning, and International Mobile Learning Festival. He holds a PhD in education, master degree in biology and computer sciences from the University of Berne, and a master degree in educational technologies from the University of Geneva. His research focus is on using participative technologies for formative assessment and effective collaboration.</p>