
eLEP Project Symposium: A Symposium on eLeadership Stories: Pathways to Change and Innovation with IT

Updated: 12:11pm, 27 Oct, 2022
25 November 2006 (Sat)
St. Mary's Canossian College
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A Symposium on eLeadership Stories: Pathways to Change and Innovation With IT Click to view photo gallery and speaker's presentations Registration : Please note that the event has been posted on EMB Training Calendar. If you are a school principal or school teacher, please register through the EMB Training Calendar at : Attendance required for successful completion : 50%, Training & Development data will be revealed in Teacher's Personal Profile in e-Services Portal upon successful completion. For participants who are not teachers/principals, please use the registration link on the top of this announcement. Please note the symposium is separated into the morning session from 9:00 am to 11:45 am (AM) and the afternoon session from 1:00 pm to 3:45 pm (PM). You can register one of the sessions or both sessions. Please indicate your attendance in the online registration. Title : A Symposium on eLeadership Stories: Pathways to Change and Innovation with IT Organizers : CITE, HKU; EMB, HKSAR & Microsoft Ltd. Participants : School Principals and Teachers Date : 25 November 2006 (Saturday) Time : 9:00am-3:45pm Venue : St. Mary's Canossian College Participant Group : Principals, Deputy Principals, school senior management teachers (priority will be given to schools registering a team of 3 that includes the principal) Objective(s) : This symposium aims to: * Share the leadership experiences of ten schools that had engaged in implementing a strategic IT for learning & teaching plan in their schools * Present the four critical themes identified from the leadership stories and discuss with participants their experiences and views on these four themes * Share the experiences of schools that had successfully integrated the use of IT in learning, teaching and assessment to support curriculum reform, in particular to implement the changes in the new senior secondary curriculum. * Provide participants with opportunities to interact and share views with principals and innovation leaders from other schools on how to initiate, implement and sustain innovations in the current school context. Language Medium : Cantonese and English Background : During the 2005- 2006 academic year, the Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE) of the University of Hong Kong conducted case studies of strategic implementation of IT in learning and teaching in 10 Hong Kong schools. This research was conducted as part of the 'Evaluating and enhancing the impact of the e-leadership program' (e-Leadership Enhancement Project, eLEP) commissioned by the Education and Manpower Bureau. The objectives of the case studies were: * to conduct a longitudinal follow up evaluation to find out how far the school heads were able to implement the strategic plans in their schools after taking the e-leadership pilot training; * to learn about the strategies and challenges in the implementation process over the course of the school year; and * to find out whether the pilot training course has been successful in stimulating changes that have real impact on the schools after the course completion. The 10 case study schools included 1 special school, 3 primary schools and 6 secondary schools. In most of these 10 cases, the goals of the schools' IT strategic development plan were closely linked to high priority goals of the school in relation to the current changes and demands made on the schools such as the New Senior Secondary School Curriculum, basic competency assessment, etc. Furthermore, in-depth analyses of the 10 cases revealed four important dimensions of leadership in the process of implementation: nature of the innovation, team structure for innovation leadership, roles of the principal and the specific contribution of IT in the innovation. This symposium will highlight how different decisions along each of these 4 dimensions impinge on the process and outcomes of the strategic plans, and the insight that these stories shed on eleadership for different school contexts. Programme Rundown eLEP Rundown Programme Description : This is a one day symposium on how leadership in schools, including principals, key teachers can leverage the potential of IT to support changes and innovation in curriculum, pedagogy and assessment practices. It builds on the insight gained from in-depth case studies of leadership practices in 10 schools to share experiences and stimulate further exploration and collaboration among school leaders on pathways to change and innovation with IT. The symposium has 4 main components: 1. Plenary introduction to the eleadership stories and the four key dimensions of leadership identified 2. Group discussions on the experiences and issues in eleadership 3. Plenary presentation: eLeadership at the School Level 4. Plenary presentation and panel discussion: eLeadership beyond the School Level

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