
eLEP Workshop 4: Using E-Portfolios For Evaluating Students’ Learning Performance

Updated: 12:22pm, 27 Oct, 2022
29 May 2006 (Mon)
Room 101, 1/F., Runme Shaw Building, The University of Hong Kong
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The e-Leadership Enhancement Project (eLEP for short) is a CITE project commissioned by EMB to provide school-based professional development support for team leadership in IT in Education to schools that had participated in the eLeadership pilot course. A number of themes have been identified as focal themes for the provision of profession development and inter-school networking support. Using E-Portfolios to evaluate students��� learning achievement is one of the identified themes. You and your colleagues are cordially invited to participate our fourth PDN (professional development & networking) workshop, ���Using E-Portfolios For Evaluating Students��� Learning Performance��� on 27 May, 2006 at 9:15 am-12:30 noon. We are very honored to have two very knowledgeable speakers, Dr. Daniel Churchhill from the Information and Technology Studies Division of The University of Hong Kong, and Mr. Poon Kwai Choi, a very experienced teacher from the United Christian College to share their expertise and workplace experiences in using E-Portfolios For Evaluating Students��� Learning Performance.

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