Go Up, Stay High! Science Design Competition
Final Competition and Award Presentation Ceremony
Due to the severe weather on 8 May 2004, the Go Up, Stay High! (GUSH) Science Design Competition is re-scheduled to 22 May 2004. You are cordially welcome to join the competition.
The competition is co-organized by the Centre for Information Technology in Education, the University of Hong Kong, the Education and Manpower Bureau and the Hong Kong edCity. The competition aims to encourage students to exercise their creativity in applying what they learn in Physics to solve difficult practical technological challenges. Students in the GUSH competition are required to design and practically build a system whereby they can launch a device to go up into the air, stay there as long as possible before touching ground again. The device that can stay in the air for the longest duration will be the winner.
Students in the competition have been brainstorming and discussing the working principles, rationale and design of their systems on a web-based knowledge building platform called Knowledge Forum (KF) since the beginning of March. They then practically constructed the launcher and flight device in accordance with their blueprints. The participating students have already finished their in-school semi-final competition and oral presentation in mid-April. The two devices with the longest flight time in each class can take part in the final champion competition. The finalist groups are currently improving their systems with the help of the entire class so that they can strive for the excellence in the final contest on 22 May 2004.
Limited seats are reserved for those who are interested to know more about the event and this mode of organizing learning. Please find the detail of the event as follows:
Go Up, Stay High Science Design Competition Final Competition and Award Presentation Ceremony
Date: 22 May 2004
Time: 2:30 6:00 p.m.
Venue: SKH Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School
Address: Wo Che Estate, Shatin