In this presentation, the application of computational sciences in exploring robustness, accuracy and precision of information flow problem in organizations will be discussed. Investigation of the functioning and robustness of hierarchical structures and potential problem leading to disruption or delay in the adaptation of behaviours for optimal functioning will be explored. Use methods and analytical techniques from mathematical sociology (i.e., social networks analysis), social anthropology (i.e., interview and field studies) and computer science (i.e., information visualization, graph theoretic approaches and data mining techniques such as clustering) for exploring information flow and management related to coordination in distributed and complex setting and its impact on organizational and individual performance and knowledge sharing and management support process will be discussed.
For enquiries, please contact Office of Research at 2857 8254.
p><span>About the speaker:<br />Professor Liaquat Hossain is a Professor and Director of Complex Systems Research at the Faculty of Engineering & IT as well as the Funding Director of the Project Management and Leadership Program at the University of Sydney. He is the founding Editor-in-Chief of Springer International Journal “Crisis Communications”. He has secured more than $6.5M in competitively research funding (recent 4.5m Euro EU FP7 Framework, ARC Discovery, CRCs and ARDA Advanced Research Development Agency in the US). His research focuses on exploring information flow and management for coordination during disaster/crisis management and understanding resilience for dealing with disasters related to flood, fire, tsunami, disease outbreaks and other man made and bio related security and its connection to sustainability indicators. He teaches courses related to systems dynamics modeling, innovation management, information management, risk management, complex project coordination and disaster information modeling at the University of Sydney. </span></p>