
DREW (Dialogical Reasoning Educational Webtool) and the Rainbow framework: supporting and analyzing debate during CSCL

Updated: 11:14am, 14 Nov, 2022
10 March 2009 (Tue)
RM 101, 1/F., Runme Shaw Bldg., HKU
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The seminar is a joint seminar organized by CITE and Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong

The theoretical underpinnings of the collaborative platform DREW are presented and example corpora generated when students use DREW to explore a space of debate are described. A  framework is presented for analyzing when and how students engage in broadening and deepening understanding of a space of debate while using CSCL environments such as DREW. The framework is termed Rainbow, as it comprises seven principal analytical categories, to each of which a colour is assigned, thus enabling informal visualisation by the analyst of the extent to which students are engaging in interaction relating to potential achievement of the interaction’s pedagogical goal.

About the speaker(s):

About the speaker(s):Dr. Kristine Lund is a CNRS Research Engineer in the Human and Social Sciences at the University of Lyon, France where she is the vice-director of the Language Sciences laboratory Interactions, Corpus, Learning and Representations. Dr. Lund’s research interests include the multimodal co-construction of complex knowledge in goal-oriented computer-mediated human interaction and interactive phenomena such as explanation and argumentation in problem solving situations (e.g. science labwork in secondary school or collaborative design in the workplace). She is currently co-directing PhD work on Tatiana (Trace Analysis Tool for Interaction Analysts), the four main functionalities of which are synchronization, transformation, analysis and visualization of interaction data.

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