Dear LASI-Hong Kong participants, please discuss on twitter with <a target="">#LASIHK13</a> hashtag.
The Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE) in the University of Hong Kong will host a local Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI), as part of the global LASI: <a target=""></a>
The goals of the LASI are to connect colleagues who are interested in the emerging and rapidly growing area of Learning Analytics, identify research and teaching needs, and discuss the relevance of Learning Analytics to the government, schools, teachers and learners.
All teachers, school administrative, researchers and learners who are interested in Learning Analysis are welcome to attend this event.
The program will consists of video and live presentations on topics most relevant to education practice, Learning Analytics experience sharing between the Singapore and Hong Kong teams, as well as discussions on the relevance of Learning Analytics to the government, schools, teachers and learners.
Tentative schedule:
2:00 to 2:05pm: Welcome (Professor Nancy Law)
2:05 to 2:20pm: Introduction to Learning Analytics
2:20 to 3:05pm: Understanding, Predicting, and Optimizing Learning with Learning Analytics
3:05 to 3:20pm: Panel in Stanford (summarized presentation): Analytics for 21st Century Skills
3:20 to 3:40pm: Break
3:40 to 4:10pm: LA Experience Sharing: Singapore and HK teams
4:10 to 5:00pm: Discussion
In addition, a forum discussion has been set up <a target=""></a> for interested parties to share thoughts before, during and after the event. Please register to Ning (<a target=""></a>) if you haven’t and join the discussion.
We are looking forward to seeing you in the event and hearing your opinions!
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