LCP Summer Peer Tutoring Project Closing Ceremony

Updated: 12:40pm, 26 Oct, 2022
12 October 2002 (Sat)
Meng Wah Complex T2, HKU
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In this event students, under the supervision of their teachers and staff at CITE, used an online collaborative knowledge building platofrm, Knowledge Fourm, to conduct knowledge building activities in liberal studies, history chemistry etc. over the summer vacation. The aim of this summer project is to equip students with life long learning abilities such as self management, self learning and group collaboration abilities in order to laid the foundation of higher level education and skills treasured by the society .

In September, students participated in this project will conduct peer tutoring activities to their fellow students or students from other schools in order to consolidate the knowledge built and let to have teaching
experience. Awards will be presented to students with outstanding performance in knowledge building activities in order to award good practices and incentives.

The event is mainly designed for the participating students. However, we welcome interested teachers or parties to come by making reservations first. Please contact Mr. Johnny Yuen at 2241 5192 (email or Miss Elaine Wong at 2241 5632 (email:

For more information about the Learning Community Project, please visit

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