
"eLearning activities to support Language-Learning"

Updated: 4:36pm, 17 Nov, 2022
18 October 2012 (Thu)
Room 206, 2/F., Runme Shaw Building, HKU
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The workshop is jointly organized by CITE and Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong
How can Moodle activities help teachers extend learning beyond the classroom? This workshop will focus on "continuing the conversation": starting activities in the classroom and then using eLearning activities to build depth of understanding and create social construction of knowledge. Darren Harbutt of the CETL and Brant Knutzen of the Faculty of Education will review their experiences and show you how to create and manage Moodle activities to extend learning beyond the limitations of face-to-face teaching.

About the speaker(s):

Brant Knutzen is the Learning Designer for the Faculty of Education at the University of Hong Kong. He has been involved in eLearning for 28 years as software developer, website developer, and corporate trainer. He currently teaches on an MSc Education program relating to eLearning and educational leadership, and provides eLearning support and professional development for teaching staff. His research areas include the design, implementation and evaluation of highly engaging blended learning environments for schools and higher education. Current Moodle plugin development projects include the Participation Map: a new way to visually display online discussion activity, and the Participation Forum: which generates a grade based on student posting activity. See for more information.

Darren Harbutt is an Instructional Designer in the ePSU. He has 20 years' experience in teaching English as a Foreign Language, as well as facilitating teacher professional development workshops. In his work in education, learning and teaching are always at the forefront, supported by appropriate technology and based on sound pedagogical principles.

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