<font face="Arial" size="5">Teachers Empowering Teachers for Knowledge Building</font><font face="Arial" size="4"> - focusing on empowerment of assessment for learning, catering for diversity and collaboration for curriculum design.</font>
<font face="Arial" size="3"><u>Registration</u></font>
The event has been posted on EDB Training Calendar. If you are a school principal or school teacher, please register through the EDB Training Calendar (Course ID of the event: <a href="http://tcs.edb.gov.hk/main/TDU/ComPreviewForm.asp?CourseID=EI0020070225&LanguageFlat=1&Posted=1&Web=1&Freeze=1">EI0020070225</a>). The deadline for online registration is <u>20 November 2007 (Tue)</u>.
For participants who are NOT teachers/principals, please register online at the event website <a href="http://mis.cite.hku.hk/events/default.asp?eventid=KBTN07-004">
<font face="Arial" size="3"><u>Background</u></font>
In recent years teachers have been facing challenges of curriculum change and innovation in schools. To help teachers face these challenges, the EDB-funded project, Professional Development Network for Knowledge Building in Schools, developed a teacher network to support and empower teachers to use knowledge building as an ICT-enhanced pedagogy for community building.
Since 2001, The Centre for Information Technology in Education, HKU, has launched several major projects on knowledge building with success. In September 2006, we formed the Knowledge-Building Teacher Network and we witnessed further dramatic growth of the network with teacher mentoring and collaboration.
This seminar is arranged for you to meet other like-minded teachers dedicated to quality learning. The network teachers will share successful experiences and strategies of teacher collaboration in knowledge building within and across schools locally and internationally.
<font face="Arial" size="4"><u>Objectives</u></font>
1) Introduce how teachers can support and empower other teachers in a learning community;
2) Demonstrate how to plan, implement, and assess students for better learning using knowledge building in classroom teaching;
3) Demonstrate the latest version of Knowledge Forum and functionality for supporting teacher and student learning;
4) Bring together different perspectives on the learning outcomes and practicability of the knowledge-building approach;
5) Encourage teachers from different schools to work collaboratively in building knowledge and to develop a culture of collaboration and reflection.
<font face="Arial" size="4"><u>Program Rundown</u></font>
08:45-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:05 Welcoming Remarks
09:05-09:35 Keynote Speech
09:35-09:55 Introduction to Knowledge Building Approach and Knowledge Building Teacher Network (KBTN)
09:55-10:50 Demonstration of Knowledge Forum discussion databases (by KLA)
10:50-11:05 Break
11:05-12:25 Experience Sharing - by Mentors, Teachers, and Students
12:25-12:45 Concluding Remarks and Questions & Answers
<font face="Arial" size="4"><u>Speakers</u></font>
Prof. Shirley J. GRUNDY, Dean, Faculty of Education, HKU;
Prof. Nancy LAW, Director, CITE, Faculty of Education HKU;
Dr. Carol CHAN, Faculty of Education, HKU;
Mr. TAI Hay Lap, Principal, Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Secondary School;