
Exploring new modes of learning and assessment
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Exploring new modes of learning and assessment
Learning 2.0: an Online Platform and a Teacher Support Network for Curriculum and Assessment Innovation in Liberal Studies for the NSS Curriculum (Phase I & II)
PI Prof. LAW, Nancy

The Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE) is granted by Quality Education Fund (QEF) to conduct a two-year project namely “Learning 2.0: an Online Platform and a Teacher Support Network for Curriculum and Assessment Innovation in Liberal Studies for the NSS Curriculum-phase I” (learning 2.0). It aims to design, implement and evaluate an interactive learning and assessment platform (iLAP) for supporting enquiry learning in Liberal Studies as well as to set up a teacher professional network for facilitating curriculum and assessment innovations.

The “Learning 2.0: an Online Platform and a Teacher Support Network for Curriculum and Assessment Innovation in Liberal Studies for the NSS Curriculum-phase II” project is a two-year project granted by Quality Education Fund (QEF). It is an extension of phase I. Phase II aims to integrate an e-portfolio component in the interactive learning and assessment platform (iLAP) so as to support school based assessment in Liberal studies. It also aims to scale up the teacher professional network to 10 schools and to disseminate innovative practices as well as facilitating the collaborative culture among schools.

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學習2.0: 支援新高中通識教育及「專題探究」的學習及評估平台與教師支援網絡(第一、二期)
PI 羅陸慧英教授

香港大學教育學院教育應用資訊科技發展研究中心於2008年8月獲香港優質教育基金贊助進行一個為期兩年的《學習2.0: 支援新高中 通識教育及「專題探究」的學習及評估平台與教師支援網絡》(簡稱學習2.0)計劃。此計劃旨在透過設計、推行和評估一個互動學習及評估平台(iLAP)以支援通識教育科中的探究式學習,以及設立教師專業網絡以促進課程及評估的創新 。

《學習2.0: 支援新高中通識教育及「專題探究」的學習及評估平台與教師支援網絡(第二期)》於2010年8月獲優質教育基金撥款,進行一個為期兩年的延伸計劃。 第二期主要包括建立一個電子學習檔案及評估系統以協助通識科中的校本評核,以及將教師支援網絡擴展到10所學校;以推廣嶄新的教學及促進學校之間的協作文化。

Exploring new modes of learning and assessment
Establishment of a Professional Development Network for Knowledge Building in Schools
PI Prof. Nancy Law & Dr. Carol Chan

This project is funded by the Education Bureau and it aimed at supporting schools on developing and scaling up knowledge building pedagogy, sustaining teacher professional growth, and improving student learning through a knowledge building teacher network (KBTN).

Since September 2008, this project becomes part of the University-School Support Project (USP) under the School-based support services (SBSS) titled "Professional Development Network for Knowledge Building in Schools". The project leaders are Prof. Nancy Law and Dr. Carol Chan, Associate Professor of Faculty of Education. The USP project has started in September 2008 and is expected to be completed in August 2011. A team of expert knowledge-building teachers are seconded to EDB to assist participating teachers in implementing the knowledge building approach together with the project team from CITE, HKU. Six half-time seconded teachers (STs) and more than 60 participating teachers from 25 schools (11 primary schools, 13 secondary schools, 1 special school) have been recruited for this academic year. Knowledge Forum®, which is hosted at CITE (, is used by teachers and students in the project to facilitate their collaborative knowledge building activities.

Objectives of the project:

  • To motivate teachers and students to work collaboratively on developing knowledge building;
  • To develop repertories of pedagogies and assessment strategies that facilitate knowledge building;
  • To develop a model of teacher network that promotes teacher professional development and quality student learning.
  • To equip students with holistic abilities of inquiry, reading to learn, generic skills, teamwork, IT skills, and life-wide learning, etc.
  • To foster students’ active learning and higher-order thinking
  • To enhance learning and teaching effectiveness
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PI 羅陸慧英教授 及 陳桂涓博士
Exploring new modes of learning and assessment
'Good Practices on IT in Education' Interactive Platform (Phase II)

As an extension to the project on "Development of an interactive platform for the consolidation and dissemination of good practices through the Internet in schools", CITE has been commissioned by the Education Bureau to implement phase II of this project and the project has started in January 2006. The aims of the phase II project are as follows:

  1. to create a database of practicable pedagogies in schools that have been tested and proved effective for teaching professionals’ reference;
  2. to provide teachers and other education practitioners with an interactive platform for discussion and reflection on the uploaded practices;
  3. to encourage schools with common interest in any particular case to establish the mode/relationship of inter-schools collaboration so as to further explore strategies on IT applications.

The project was successfully completed in August, 2007. The project comprises two major components. At the first phase, CITE held a series of training course for seconded teachers and research assistants in the 20 identified Centers of Excellence (CoEs) as well as other seconded teachers fully seconded to the EMB who will also be involved in supporting these CoEs. The aim of this course is to provide members of this team the opportunity to gain the requisite understanding and skills on (i) effective uses of ICT for curriculum and pedagogical innovation, (ii) leading and supporting pedagogical change in schools and (iii) action research. The course contents will include methods and techniques in data collection, analysis, case write up and reporting.

At the second phase, i.e. the second component of the project which is to provide guidance to the team of research assistants in the data collection and with their support to collate, analyze and report on the experiences gained by the 20 CoE schools.

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運用互動平台推廣學校優秀案例 (笫二階段)
運用互動平台推廣學校優秀案例 (笫二階段)
Exploring new modes of learning and assessment
Development of an Interactive Platform for the consolidation and dissemination of good practices through the Internet in schools (Phase I)

CITE has been commissioned by the Education and Manpower Bureau to run the project “The development of an interactive platform for the consolidation and dissemination of good practices through the Internet in schools”. The aims of this project are to create an innovation community database, a sharing system for teachers to explore and reflect on their own pedagogical uses of information and communication technology with other interested education professionals and to build professional collaboration on action-oriented school development initiatives. The project started in Jan 2005 and it was completed in Jan 2006.

In this project, an interactive platform for teachers’ professional development has been developed. Around 25 good practices from different schools were collected and uploaded to the platform as in December 2005. A dissemination workshop on “Using an Online Database of ICT-supported Good Pedagogical Practices to Scale up Innovations across Schools” was held on 10 December 2005 with an aim to share their experience in using the online database and also on the innovative pedagogical practices they have generated by using ICT that have proved to be effective in enhancing student learning.

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「具成效的資訊科技教育案例」互動平台 (笫一階段)
Exploring new modes of learning and assessment
Establishing a Scalable Network of Knowledge Building Schools

CITE, HKU has launched a series of research and development projects called 'Learning Community Projects' since 2001. The aim of these projects is to support and investigate the development of life-long learning abilities in group collaborative learning contexts using technology, focusing on finding the relationships between the development of enquiry and knowledge-building abilities and the changing group dynamics and interaction patterns of the learners. The project integrates a web discussion platform called 'Knowledge Forum' (KF) into secondary school curriculum, this project hopes to develop better thinking, analytical and problem-solving skills of students, and to enhance their knowledge-building ability. The various phases of this series of projects until 2008 can be found from the projects page from September 2008. The KB Online Course has summarized valuable knowledge from these earlier projects. From September 2008, the project has extended its scope to become the Professional Network for Knowledge Building in Schools.

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Exploring new modes of learning and assessment
Innovative Pedagogical Practices Online Project (IPPO)
Around 2004
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